We are looking for 3 new design team members for next year ;o) Male & Female ..
All you have to do is make a clean & simple card between now and September 1 and link it in Linky Tools. EDIT: I have extent the date into septemer 5th incase you have missed this call ...
Your term will run from then untill december2023 ;) and a change to join next year to ..
You will be required to submit 2 (some months three) cards per month, of course we know life gets in the way sometimes, and you can not join, that's oke.
You must maintain a current active blog, IG or FB, and you must be willing to promote CAS on Friday on your blog and / or social media.
Leaving a comment on the participans blogs but there is a schedule for that.
You will soon hear from me if you are one of the lucky new design team members. You can join in this call untill September 1. You will hear from me as soon as we picked our new dt members.
Just entered for the design team call. Hope you like it.